Monday, February 5, 2018

Not much has changed...

... Just everything!

I write this with a 6 week old infant in my left arm on the sofa in my new home while I wait on my partner to get off work, so I guess it's fair to say it was a busy year.

So I had a baby in December.  In my last entry I mentioned that I'd be running a 10K in March.  I definitely did not PR that race (I ran a 1:04:52), but I remember that I finished strong and running through Puerto Rico was wonderful- hilly, but wonderful.  More importantly, though, after I left Puerto Rico, my daughter decided she'd be rocking my world and joining us later in the year.  Once I knew she was on her way, I knew I'd need a yard for my dog since I wouldn't have as many free hands for frequent walks, so I started the process of buying a house and closed in June.  So yes, 2017 was the year that everything changed for me.

This past Saturday I took my first postpartum run, and today was my first day back to CrossFit.  I am again a fitness ambassador for Skirt Sports and our year begins in February so I'm pretty excited for the new year and new chances to be better than ever before.  I have been relieved of my teaching duties for the semester, so I'm really looking forward to being more active physically but also with my blog as I navigate my new life as a mother to Denver Kay.

Monday, January 30, 2017

It Can Wait

Well  hello there!  Happy new year!  Did you forget this blog existed??  I didn't, though you can't tell by my actions.  In any case, its a new year, and I'm gonna take this new chance to blog more consistently (a low bar, I know, lol).

As I may have mentioned, I started a new job a year and a half ago.  I spent the first year just trying to keep my head above water.  In this second year, I've attempted to be more productive in my research program (i.e. I'm taking on more work), and that causes for some very hectic weeks.  I have managed to get and stay very consistent with Crossfit, but at the expense of my running.  Its very difficult to Crossfit, run, eat enough (of the right things, i.e. cook), sleep enough, keep a relatively clean house, raise a puppy not to be a killer (mildly succeeding at that), and do the three jobs that are my one job.  Oh, and maintain sanity.  Often, something's gotta give and last year, it was my running (among other things at times).  I didn't run a single race in 2016 for which I properly trained.  I had high hopes for Chicago, and was making my 5 am run group for a while, but when the fall semester started I made less and less of them.  I ended up getting through the marathon rather gracefully by doing 7:1's (more on run-walking later; I wish someone had told me...), and ran a 4:58.  Not my best, but also not my worst.  I have just finished the Dopey Challenge, minus a rained out half, and ran a 5:18.  This actually was my worst (but I still enjoyed the ride!).  In any case, the goal this year is to do most of my planned runs and thus properly train for my races.  Not only is running a race untrained less exhilarating, it's a recipe for injury, and I'm not about that life!  Last week I had another busy period, and skipped all but two workouts.  I went to Crossfit once, and completed one frustration-run-for-sanity treadmill slog.  This weekend I decided that i will have other weeks like that, but I will still fit in exercise when I can help it.  I understand how important it is to put yourself first.

For me this means committing to my training.  It's just running but it represents so much more for me and many others.  It means keeping a promise to myself and "seeing it through", i.e. finishing what I start.  The way I maintain control of this is by getting my workouts done first thing.  It's tempting for me to wake up and rush right to work in response to the ever growing to do list.  But what I know is that no matter how urgent, it can wait.  When I run, I am doing something for myself, and that is the best way I know to start my day.  Own oxygen mask first.  My friends scheduled a 10K for spring break, and I have decided to commit to the training.  My endurance needs to be rebuilt and what better way to begin that process than by training for a shorter race distance?  So I've committed to actually training over the next 6 weeks.  I hope this will  make training for my sub 2:00 half that much more natural :).  Today I had an event on campus at 8:00 am.  I knew if I went to Crossfit I would be cutting it close on time and also would miss my run on day 1.  So I did a bit of planning yesterday, got to bed at a decent hour, and woke up a bit before 6:00 am to do my scheduled 30 minutes of running (I did 30:15 because i was so close to 3 miles lol).  It felt so good to make time to do that one thing for myself first thing!  I'll head to Crossfit this evening and should be back on track for the week.

What does running do for you?  Cheers to proper training!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

On consistency... and the most magical place on earth

4 races, 4 days.  Also known as the Dopey Challenge.  A 5K on Thursday, a 10K on Friday, a half on Saturday, and a full on Sunday.  Disney races sell out the day they open up so I registered for this madness months ago, when I was in very good running shape.  After NYC,  I was feeling quite "over" distance running, and found myself cutting a lot of my weekend runs short.  I also continued to skip my weekday runs as well.  So as Goofy approached, I considered sitting this one out.  I knew I could do the 5K, 10K, and half.  But I imagined the full would be nothing short of terrible and decided it was ok not to run it at all.  I decided to make a game time decision.  And of course I decided to stick it out.

The irony in running like an idiot is that it's all about running smart.  I ran all of the races very conservatively, and I think that is 100% of the reason I had the most fun I've had in a long time.  It was the full I was really worried about, and so I decided to run intervals, 10 minutes of running, 1 minute of walking.  I did this for about 18 miles before I started hurting and switched to 4:45 running, 30 s walking (or something like that; math 20 miles in really helps the minutes pass by since every calculation takes 10x as long as it normally would).  I was just past mile 21 when I started to really hit a mental wall.  And then I saw my friend, Liz (we ran many races together in NYC, so it was a special reunion)!  She started in an earlier corral so I wasn't looking for her, but somehow we found each other!  A Godsend!  We ran intervals together until mile 25 and then darted to the finish!  I have never finished a race with a friend, and I must say it was such a special kind of fun, lol.  Somehow I ran this one faster than NYC (though still quite far off my PR, as expected), and I enjoyed it!  Disney races are ridiculously expensive but I will definitely do this series of crazy again.  And again.

Me and Liz after the marathon!

Speaking of doing things again, on Friday I realized I had completed my 4th week of consistent gym time.  I try to go MWF, but sometimes (usually) my running interferes or my work brain interferes, or whatever interferes, and I don't quite make it one of those days.  This semester I teach MWF, so I am usually cramming to get my lectures together those mornings and I miss the gym.  But I decided that if I miss the morning class I will go to the evening class, and that has been working really well for me.  I would venture to say that I like working out at night.  Everything about it except getting there lol.  But I've been consistent and that is my overarching goal in everything I do.  I actually hit 5 reps for 233 on my deadlift (less than a year ago I couldn't get 225 for 1 rep), and I know if I just stay consistent, the PRs will keep coming.  The challenge is to get my running consistent too, at the same time.  My run group meets at 4:30 am on T Th during the week, so I missed most of those runs last semester since those were my teaching days.  Now I really have no excuse.  Nutrition does become really important with this level of activity (and simultaneously keeping my job), so I'm working on that too.  I've definitely been binging on sugar lately, so there is a fast in my near future :'(.  Anyway, I know the weekday running will really help my times.  The interval running (and inconsistency) got me used to running slower last semester, but the weekday workouts are speedwork and it's definitely helping me pick things back up .  I also jumped up a pace group and not only do we run faster on the long runs (we ran 10 at about a 9:30 pace on Saturday!), we do not run intervals.  I think all of these things combined spell potential for some very good races.  Specifically I'm (again) aiming to break 2:00 in my half.  The difference is I'm doing something (a lot of things) toward that goal (and focusing on it; I'm not marathon training).  My first attempt will be March 26, the last day of my 20s :).  Wouldn't that be a way to say farewell!  No pressure though lol.  Happy training/lifting/running and wishing you consistency in all that you do!  And happy Valentines Day.  Love.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Oh, also I got a dog...

My future running buddy, Schwester Em


Yesterday I discovered this little gem: 2016 in 2016.  It equates to about 38 miles a week (aggressive) and so I decided that no, this wasn't a very realistic goal given my new work schedule and hot hot weather always.  I went for a run in the afternoon just to start the year off right, and couldn't stop thinking about it.  What a crazy endeavor, but what if I actually did it??  I am all about realistic goals, but I also know that sometimes the impossible is actually very possible with enough determination.  I posted some of these musings online, and to my delight an old running buddy in Austin asked if I wanted to partner with her.  Heck yeah I did!  And we've already knocked out 15 miles.  I'm so so excited about this.  Tackling the goal, and having a built in buddy to do it with.

I've yet to sit down and really organize my thoughts for the new year, but I'll share some of the fitness related goals floating around in my head.  I'm beginning year two as a skirt sports ambassador (I didn't get fired!), and I want to make sure I take the time to prioritize some of the responsibilities that entails, blogging more regularly in particular (20% off code: SSJBS20).  I'd also like to get my running back on track.  I ran throughout the year but not enough mileage during the weeks once I moved to Florida.  My marathons have been slow and my PRE has been high high high on most of my runs.  Both of these goals fit into a larger one to have more order in my life.  It's hard to worry about anything else with my new job (professor- you cannot imagine how much effort goes into teaching 3 hours each week), but I am determined to find a way to balance it all a little bit better this year.  The heat and work induced exhaustion pose additional mental (and physical) challenges to getting out the door, but in the end these things are all excuses and when we want to do something we just get them done.  I'm taking some time (~5 months) from distance running.  I want to focus on running shorter distances faster.  I did PR my 10K last year (I'm not sure I even ran a 5K, and did not PR- or really do anything to ensure I PRd- my half).  So I will definitely sign up for some 5K-halfs, and a big goal is to run a sub 2:00 half.  I know it's doable with a plan and commitment.  I was fairly consistent with my Crossfitting and will continue that.  I will continue just 3x a week for now for purposes of my financial and running goals (and sanity?) but I will likely throw in a lifting class since my Saturdays will be freed up from the long runs.  What else... I'd like to knock out double unders (before the open?) and pull ups (ever).  And there we have it, 2016 goals.  I'll check in after the first third of the year (RIGHT AFTER I TURN 30 :D) to see if I'm on track.

Have a wonderful 2016 (and sign up for Run the Year lol.  The facebook group is awesome and worth it in itself! I found a guy that's on a 540 day running streak, complete with a photo and screenshot of the route from each run).

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A giveaway (AGAIN)!!!

In honor of my *NINTH* marathon and *FIRST* trail run, I (and the awesome ladies at Skirt Sports) are giving away one Go the Distance Tight!!

I have dreamed up my own hashtag for Skirt Sports, #morethanjustskirts.  I found Skirt Sports by looking for running skirts, and I wear them more than I wear any other bottom, but I want you to know that they offer more than skirts.  They offer shorts and pants and shirts and sports bras too!  The Go the Distance Tight is one of my very favorite Skirt Sports items.  I have both the grey and the black pair, and I must say I love them.  They are super high quality (like all of the Skirt Sports products).  The grey pair is more "cottony" and the black pair is more "spandexy."  Both have a nice compression feel to them and both will... um... make people love to see you go ;-).

Enter my giveaway here!  But hurry!  The winner will be chosen in one week!  And if you just can't wait or you aren't the lucky winner, remember, you can always get 20% off any item at Skirt Sports with my discount code, SSJBS20.  Good luck!!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

I moved!

Hi guys!  It's been a while so here is a brief update on the awesomeness that is my life right now!

I moved to Florida!  I managed to land a faculty position in an awesome department at the second largest university in the country which happens to be in the fabulous city of Orlando.  I'm quite elated about all of these things.

My new place is right next to a lake that has a 2.5 mile trail around it.  I'm not going to lie, that lake was a big influence on my decision in choosing my living quarters lol.  So was the stairmill in the community center.  If you haven't used a stairmill, go find one.  You will never be the same lol.  What I didn't know is that there is also a 6.5 mile trail right off of my street!  I googled running trails so I could go on my long run last weekend and how exciting that one of the ones that popped up is literally right outside my door.  I'm already putting both trails to good use :).

I did quite a bit of traveling this summer (8 cities in 9 weeks), and somehow managed not to slip out of my workout routine at all.  My secret weapon?  Crossfit :).  It is super fun to check out boxes in different cities.  Two highlights: a box in Edinburgh Scotland, and accidentally meeting Emily Bridgers at her box in Atlanta.

Crossfit Skirmish in Edinburgh Scotland after a workout of death lol.
Emily Bridgers (the number one woman in the Atlantic Region) and me.

I'm currently looking to find a gym home here.  I found the best box in the world seven months late when I was living in NJ, so I'm trying to take my time with my search here.  There are about 7 billion boxes within 10 min of my house.  I'm currently on my third.  It's a fun little project, but hopefully I find my best match soon.

Upcoming marathons: Beat the Blerch, NYC (!!!!), and Disney.  Should be a fun fall.  It's more humid than anything right now, so running is hot but not unbearable.  I will miss the year round running I was able to do in NJ, but hopefully I'll adjust to the climate here quickly.  Best wishes to you as you tackle your own fitness endeavors!

Happy exercising!