Saturday, January 2, 2016


Yesterday I discovered this little gem: 2016 in 2016.  It equates to about 38 miles a week (aggressive) and so I decided that no, this wasn't a very realistic goal given my new work schedule and hot hot weather always.  I went for a run in the afternoon just to start the year off right, and couldn't stop thinking about it.  What a crazy endeavor, but what if I actually did it??  I am all about realistic goals, but I also know that sometimes the impossible is actually very possible with enough determination.  I posted some of these musings online, and to my delight an old running buddy in Austin asked if I wanted to partner with her.  Heck yeah I did!  And we've already knocked out 15 miles.  I'm so so excited about this.  Tackling the goal, and having a built in buddy to do it with.

I've yet to sit down and really organize my thoughts for the new year, but I'll share some of the fitness related goals floating around in my head.  I'm beginning year two as a skirt sports ambassador (I didn't get fired!), and I want to make sure I take the time to prioritize some of the responsibilities that entails, blogging more regularly in particular (20% off code: SSJBS20).  I'd also like to get my running back on track.  I ran throughout the year but not enough mileage during the weeks once I moved to Florida.  My marathons have been slow and my PRE has been high high high on most of my runs.  Both of these goals fit into a larger one to have more order in my life.  It's hard to worry about anything else with my new job (professor- you cannot imagine how much effort goes into teaching 3 hours each week), but I am determined to find a way to balance it all a little bit better this year.  The heat and work induced exhaustion pose additional mental (and physical) challenges to getting out the door, but in the end these things are all excuses and when we want to do something we just get them done.  I'm taking some time (~5 months) from distance running.  I want to focus on running shorter distances faster.  I did PR my 10K last year (I'm not sure I even ran a 5K, and did not PR- or really do anything to ensure I PRd- my half).  So I will definitely sign up for some 5K-halfs, and a big goal is to run a sub 2:00 half.  I know it's doable with a plan and commitment.  I was fairly consistent with my Crossfitting and will continue that.  I will continue just 3x a week for now for purposes of my financial and running goals (and sanity?) but I will likely throw in a lifting class since my Saturdays will be freed up from the long runs.  What else... I'd like to knock out double unders (before the open?) and pull ups (ever).  And there we have it, 2016 goals.  I'll check in after the first third of the year (RIGHT AFTER I TURN 30 :D) to see if I'm on track.

Have a wonderful 2016 (and sign up for Run the Year lol.  The facebook group is awesome and worth it in itself! I found a guy that's on a 540 day running streak, complete with a photo and screenshot of the route from each run).

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