Monday, January 19, 2015

latest running notes

Gooooooood morning and a very happy MLK day!  I have started it off with an easy 6 mile run.  NJ has great running weather in the winter.  It was a bit icy today, but still great nonetheless.

A few weeks ago, my friend and I went out for our (now) weekly run and when we came in I was incredibly itchy.  She has a cat so I thought that might have had something to do with it, but when I got in my car I was still ridiculously uncomfortable.  I got home and showered, and realized my legs were quite red.  I did a lot of googling and found that the top layer of my skin had begun to freeze.  Yikes!  I think the windchill that day was -2 or 2.  I had two layers on top, but only one on the bottom, which is why it only affected my legs.  But lesson learned: layer layer layer!  I ran a 10K the following Saturday and wore two layers on bottom.  It was also stupid cold that day, but I was completely warm during the run, and did not have any leg-freezing symptoms.

I mentioned before that I wanted to PR all of my standard race distances this year.  I am 1/1 so far :).  I ran the 10K comfortably without paying much attention to my watch, but at mile 5 I realized I could probably PR.  At mile 6 I realized it was a definite possibility and I fought for it.  I PRd by 22 seconds.  It was a small PR, but a PR in any case.  The Central Park loop has a fair amount of hills, and my last PR was set in 2012, so I would say its a sufficient improvement.  The 2012 PR was an 18 s improvement off the previous one (2010).

I am officially (I guess?) marathon training.  I have a full in 14 weeks.  I have developed my own long run schedule, because I want to run without walk breaks (and in turn, PR by a landslide) and have planned out training accordingly.  I am going to piece together the weekday runs using other plans.  I think I will stick with 4 days a week.  That schedule works well for me (and my science) and I think it prevents burnout and keeps my legs happy and injury free.  That I am about to ramp up mileage means that I successfully stayed in running shape between seasons :).  That was another goal of mine.  My frequency slowed down a bit the first few weeks of December because of conference travel and personal travel, but I was able to keep in shape with other workouts and definitely never had to feel that first-day-back feeling.  Its absolutely amazing to me what we can accomplish when we make it a priority.

I am coming up on my 29th birthday!  I'm pretty excited about that and I want to enter the last year of my 20s in great physical shape so that the year can be spent focusing on other specific fitness goals.  I took a photo on my way out for a run the other day.  It was intended to be a "before" but I sent it to my bud, who said he was completely motivated by it (and my midsection lol).  That made me feel so good.  What I want people to know is that you just have to do a little bit consistently.  I have been running about 3x a week, no longer than 5 miles with the exception of the race.  When I do other workouts they are 30 min or less.  I have been eating way too much sugar, and I may or may not have eaten an entire pizza a few weekends ago along with a whole bottle of wine (and it was great lol).  But 80% of the time I try to do what I'm supposed to do, and do a short workout when I don't feel like it, as opposed to nothing at all.  The little things add up.  So be encouraged!  Now that you don't have to be perfect you can be good.

And lastly, I got a great message in my inbox this morning from a friend who just signed up for her first marathon :).  She has definitely done the hardest part.  I think we often make things so much harder than they are, but she has chosen not to.  I couldn't be happier for her.

See you on the pavement!  Happy running!

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