Tuesday, December 6, 2011

140.2 to 138.2

So I have been debating whether I should count calories or follow 17 Day Diet.  Counting calories gives me much more flexibility and provides a sort of buffer, but I know that 17 Day works, and works fast.  For now I think I will try to do both.

Yesterday I followed the diet to the T (<800 cals :-/).  I was tempted by the junk food at Office Depot but refrained.  When I got home I ate carrots until dinner was ready.  But late last night I had 5 M&M's which turned into the rest of them (party favor from baby shower).  Regardless, this morning I weigh 138.2, two pounds less than yesterday, so hopefully today will be better.


Today was better!  I stuck to the diet.  I packed some carrots for an emergency snack and eating them on the bus helped me not be starving by the time i made it home.  The higher calorie breakfast kept me from being hungry throughout the day, too.  I tracked my calories and again I am under 1000.  It's just hard to eat 1200 calories worth of lean protein and vegetables.  I'm going to try to stick with the first cycle through Friday, and count cals this weekend.  If I do go to Dallas, that could prove difficult, but I don't know, we'll see.  Next week I may move to the second cycle depending where my weight is. (I'm recording less of what I've eaten.  The details are on myfitnesspal.com)

X-train Tabata


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