Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blog #FAIL

Well hello there.  Utah was pretty much a disaster.  I at lots of carbs and desserts and loved every minute of it.  I did exercise everyday (FUCK FUCK FUCK the elliptical!!!) and I exhibited some self control when it came to the amount of junk I ate (i.e. splitting desserts, passing on cookies with the expectation of having dessert later, etc).  Anyway no real regrets; I was less than 138 when I got back...

My sister's bday party.  I didn't eat a lot, but I drank a lot #kanyeshrug.  Sunday night when I got back in town I was craving falafel chips so I bought some, which is fine... except then on Monday I still had falafel chips and I finished them off.  Sigh.  I think, though not very cost effective, it is best for me to buy single servings of things I shouldn't eat a lot of... So basically I took yesterday off of my diet.  Now, one good thing is I went to a concert last night and when I got home I was famished and had decided to get a burger.  However, when I got close to home I decided I would rather have something from the grocery store deli.  I ate a small tub of macaroni salad which was about 300 cals and (part of) a sandwich, so the calories may have been about the same, but I'm glad that I am at the point where I am not desiring fast food.  I honestly can't remember the last time I had a burger and fries (Mighty Fine maybe?).  Ok so a bit of progress there.

Today I ate like an angel (I'm 137 with 24 days to go for the weight loss challenge), except I skipped dinner (mostly out of sleepiness/laziness).  So tomorrow I will aim for three balanced meals.  I read that a good way to lose fat is to do the 'alternate day fasting,' high calorie days alternated with low calorie days so your body doesn't start hanging on to fat, so I think it will be good to stick with the second cycle.  I missed my workout this morning (due to being up late last night), but I want to try to get some good runs in regularly (T, Th, F, S/Su) along with my X-train workouts.  I know I lost a lot of weight in 2009 when I was half marathon training and counting cals (<1500 a day) so maybe I should think about moving in that direction.  Also I ran with my friend after class yesterday.  It's not really feasible with my class (UT) schedule but her pace is a bit faster and I felt a bit sore today which is good.

That's it for now.  The journey continues!

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