Well today was good. I had a light breakfast and then ran errands, leaving me unfed until after 3:00. I picked up some fish from Whole Foods ($$$$) and a few things from Sprouts. I was looking for a vegetable snack but came up with some fat free cheese and eggplant... I did see the Kind bars at Sprouts so I know where to find them.
I figured I would eat some junk food at the Super Bowl watch location so I was happy to have only eaten 600 cals before I went over there. It turns out there was nothing that was incredibly appealing to me (i.e. cupcakes, lol) so it wasn't really hard to drink my water and pass on the (dog-saliva-infested) chips and veggie trays. As a side note, why do
white non-black people REFUSE to eat off of plates. There's this thing we do in the black community. You grab a plate, pour some chips out of the chip bag onto it (you don't even have to touch the chips!!), and then spoon some salsa/dip onto the plate. You do not dig into the chip bag and then dip your chip into the jar of sauce!! Yes, I know you're not double dipping, but it doesn't matter. STOP EATING OUT OF THE JAR!!! I feel like if you are not sitting at a table with 3 of your closest friends/ partner, this is a no brainer. On more than one occasion at social gatherings at my school I have been with complete strangers who insist on eating out of communal bowls. I just find it... socially inconsiderate. Ok, so I was not really interested in eating what was available, which is good. I figured if anything, I would drink a beer. A SINGLE beer, which I am now capable of :o). The hostess asked if I would eat some queso and I said maybe. She made it. I didn't. I thought of my friend from the movie theatre :oD. And then my friend walked in with Girl Scout Cookies, lol. By this point I had already decided to stop and pick up a snack from the store. This is not the first time this has happened. When I save up my calories for a social gathering, in a way I look forward to the junk food. So if I don't get it, I feel like I have earned the right to go get something else. The good thing is I only ate 4 cookies (2 servings). It wasn't even really difficult. Yes moderation!! However I went to the store afterward and picked up some York Peppermint Patties, so now I have brought this stuff back in my house. I would rather have gotten the fat free peppermints... I may have to hide these from myself. I have eaten 7 (a serving size is 3), reasoning that as long as I stay under 1500 cals I'm ok. However that's 350 calories I would otherwise not have had. Sigh...
No workout today. I have definitely earned my day off. Glad that I went up in weight on Friday. I'm definitely going to try to go heavy on legs from now on. I was a tad sore yesterday but not noticeably. I'm happy with the strength I've gained. I may try to add in an extra mile on my runs this week. We'll see if I can balance it with my busy work schedule.
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