Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cheat Day

Well I realized that giving myself 'cheat days' was making it easier for me to get through the week without epic eating failures, so I decided to go back to that. All day yesterday I was craving everything but decided I'd try to wait until today (Saturday). I made a deal with myself to eat dinner first and then if I still had my cravings I would succumb. Of course I didn't want anything after I ate. But today I got on the scale and was 132.0 and now I don't even want to cheat! I want so badly to get to the (mid) 120s. I know I have gained some muscle weight so I'm content if I stay the same weight since I know I've lost fat. However, if I lose a significant amount I just know I'll feel/look amazing. In addition, Monday is Memorial Day, so there might be some inevitable cheating if I hang with people from school. I hate that so many social events are centered around eating; I feel like if I want to eat right I have to limit my social interaction. It is a potluck however, so I could easily just bring something to grill that I want to eat. Next Wednesday is the department boat cruise. I'm not too thrilled at the prospect of hanging around drunk math people in the hot sun for 4 hours sober. In fact it sounds like pure torture. I feel like alcohol does quite a bit of damage as far as (water) weight gain, but I do want to go. It's going to be hot as hell... Ehhh I need to think about this. I can always of course get a run in to make up for any damage I do, but I don't know; it just feels so good to be putting good things in my body. Also, next weekend my dad and his fiance are coming to visit for 3.5 days. When they leave I will only be able to eat well for 2 days before the frat reunion weekend. So yes, the point is I would like to take advantage of the opportunity to eat right while it's easy, i.e. when there is not all kinds of (yummy) junk food sitting in front of me.

Lessons learned:
  • For me, it's easier to eat right when there is a cheat day in sight. Instead of trying to eat like a fitness angel for 2 weeks, I'll try to do it for 3-5 days. By the 4th-6th day, the benefits of eating good have started to show and I won't even want to cheat.
  • Cravings are mental. When craving *insert yummy fatty salty empty-caloric food here,* if I eat something good/planned first I usually will no longer want **. Knowing this can help me defeat that desire to eat unhealthy.
PS- Did you know a Chili's Oldtimer w/ cheese (what I was tempted to have for dinner yesterday) has 800 calories??? Sigh, it's like they just pour lard into foods at restaurants.

run (3 miles)


So I hit the pavement for the first time in over a month. It felt really really good. I was actually kind of impressed with my speed/endurance. I definitely don't feel out of shape. Feels good to be back!

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